One hand Axe
Rising Tide - 32236
The Brutalizer - 32254
NetherBane - 39924
One hand Mace
Hammer of Atonement(main) - 30918
Hammer of Judgement (main) - 34009
Lightfathom Scepter (main) - 30108
Rod of the Sun King - 29996
One hand Sword
Warglaive of Azzinoth (main) - 32837
Warglaive of Azzinoth (off) - 32838
Tempest of chaos (main)
Blade of Infamy - 30881
The unbreakable Will - 30874
Talon of Aszhara - 30882
SpiteBlade - 28729
Two hand axe
Devastion - 30316
Soul cleaver - 32348
Trollbane - 33492
GoreHowl - 28773
Legacy - 28587
Two hand mace
Torch of the Damned - 32332
World Breaker - 30090
Hammer of the Naaru - 28800
Fel Hardened Maul - 23546
Two hand sword
Cataclysm's Edge - 30902
Twinblade of the Phoenix- 29993
Jin'rohk, The Great Apocalypse - 33478
Shard of Azzinoth - 32471
Fang of Vashj - 30103
Messenger of Fate - 32269
The Maelstrom's Fury - 32237
Heartrazor - 29962
Bristleblitz Striker - 30906
Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix - 28772
Rifle of the Stoic Guardian - 32325
Arcanite Steam-Pistol - 29949
Barrel-Blade Longrifle - 30724
Legionkiller - 32253
Naaru-Blessed Life Rod - 32363
Eredar Wand of Obliteration - 28783
Luminescent Rod of the Naaru - 30080
Twisted Blades of Zarak - 32326
Serpentshrine Shuriken - 30025
Shuriken of Negation - 28826
Halberd of Desolation - 32248
Glaive of the Pit - 28774
Fist weapon
Claw of the Phoenix - 29948
Talon of the Phoenix - 32944
Fishing Poles (Pre milovnikov rybarcenia
Arcanite Fishing Pole - 19970
Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 - 19022
Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole - 25978
P.S.: Vsetky veci su pre lvly 70 a su spickovej kvality